Key texts about Chassidic / Hasidic Judaism.
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Tanya – Likutei Amarim,
by Rabbi Shneur Zalman Widely heralded as the Chassidic “Written Torah,” it is filled with insightful views on what it means to live a life where connection to the Creator is attempted in every act performed. Arranged on an annual reading schedule along with notes and explanatory appendices, the philosophical ideals that the Torah encapsulates are highlighted. Worthy of multiple reads, the Alter Rebbe’s work offers a transformative approach to a life lived with intentional concern for making even the mundane a holy place.
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Hayom Yom,
by Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson Carefully compiled by emphatic command of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, a great effort was undertaken by his son-in-law, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, to arrange a daily format to serve as an anthology of brief Chassidic insights and thoughts of spiritual significance to help guide one’s mind and heart along holy paths throughout the year. A truly worthy consideration for adding to one’s daily study regimen.
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Tales of the Hasidim,
by Martin Buber The author spent decades recording hundreds of spiritually salient accounts passed down through the centuries. Chronicling the rabbis who impacted the history of Chassidic Judaism, this is a cherished trove of wisdom and holy insights. Presented in an ordered fashion from earliest to later individuals significant to the Chassidic branch, the book is an invaluable glimpse into how the Jewish religious mindset is simultaneously innovative while steadfastly adhering to the ancient perspectives preserved in the Bible.
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Likutey Moharan,
by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov Volume 1 of the magnum opus of Rebbe Nachman, this sets the necessary foundation to appreciate the incredible depth of this huge work. The astonishing spiritual intuition of Rebbe Nachman is recorded, repeatedly yielding distilled drops of divine truth in new and creative connections between words and conjugations of terms otherwise seemingly unrelated. The entire set is worthy of acquiring, but this links only to the inaugural text of a 15 volume Hebrew and English teaching.
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