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Books by Jeremy C. Springfield
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Biblical Resources
Mishnah & Gemara (Talmud)
Jewish Perspectives on the New Testament
The Jewish Messiah
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Artículos en español
Ungir al Mesías
Sefer HaMoshiakh
Mesías El Gusano
Setenta Luces para las Naciones
Ley del la Corazón
Torás de Fuego Blanco y Negro
Muchas Coronas
Mana del Cielo
El Cuerpo de las Almas
El Shofar de la Ruptura
La Shin de Isaac
Yonah Kippur en español
La Sukáh del Centurión
Entre Querubines
El Tabernáculo Nublado
Discípulos del Mesías
Lo Que El Faraón Nunca Supo
El Evangelio de Golgotha
Caminando Sobre el Agua
Los Siete Libros de la Torah
Esther al Descubierto
Mi Bondad
Un Yom Teruah Para Timoteo
Audio Studies
2013 Studies
Up A Tree
The Four Horsemen of the Torah
So Many Crowns
Muchas Coronas
Why Did Jonah Run Away?
Walking On Water
Caminando Sobre el Agua
The Number of the Beast in the Garden of Eden
Peter's Denial and the Cock's Crow
Laying Tefillin At the End of Time
The Debt of Love
Hard to Say or Hard to Do?
Finding the Ladder
When Satan Fell
Sometimes Reaping Takes a Lifetime
The Song of Moses
Purim in the Torah
Messiah the Worm
Mesías El Gusano
The Temple Body
Anointing Messiah
Ungir al Mesías
Law of the Heart
Ley del la Corazón
David's Son is His Lord?
Faith-Based Foodie
2014 Studies
The Seven Books of Torah
Los Siete Libros de la Torah
The Gospel of the Tanakh
A Life Laid Down
Bread and Water
Grafting Gentiles
Moving Beyond Kharan
The Word and the Lamp
Four Feathered Wings
The Sign of Blood
Love Your Neighbor
Disciples of Messiah
Discípulos del Mesías
The Shofar of Brokenness
El Shofar de la Ruptura
Manna From Heaven
Mana del Cielo
Sefer haMoshiakh
Sefer HaMoshiakh en español
Seventy Lights for the Nations
Setenta Luces para las Naciones
2015 Studies
Preserved with Pivots
Purim's Hidden Trees
Sons of ... Thunder?
What Pharaoh Never Knew
Lo Que El Faraón Nunca Supo
Israel's Secret Descendant
Follow the Traditions?
The Virgin Birth in Torah
Two Hands for Benjamin
The Signs of Jonah
Wisdom's Works
In the Carpenter's Shadow
Voice of the Shofar
A Tabernacles Nativity
Crown of Sorrows
The Burning Coal
2016 Studies
Looking at Leah
Elements of Faith
Tearing a Prophet Apart
The Spirit of Elijah and the Crucifixion
Never Spoke a Man Like This
Anointed for War
The Spirit at Shavuot
His Prayer for Us
The Pharisee Who Followed
A Time to Remember
Yonah Kippur
Yonah Kippur en español
His Temptation
2017 Studies
At the Door
Connecting the Dots
Fool Me Once
Spoken To
Moedim Tovim
The Bleeding Temple
String Theory Torah
Dedicate the House
Tongues in Torah
2018 Studies
The Centurion's Sukkah
La Sukáh del Centurión
Unnatural Forgiveness
Eyes of Flesh and Faith
Isaac's Shin
La Shin de Isaac
What Satan Never Wanted
The Greatest and the Least
My Goodness
Mi Bondad
A High Priest in Hell
Kissing the Son
Atop the Skull
Lehadlik Ner Chanukah
The Hidden Spies
2019 Studies
The Sword of Shema
Hastening the Day
Mashiach bat Avichayil
The Cloudy Tabernacle
El Tabernáculo Nublado
What a Blessing
The Man in the Mirror
Of Such is the Kingdom
All Hail Caesar
Synoptic Tefillin
Few the Chosen
Waters of Unbecoming
Nittel Nacht
2020 Studies
To Follow a Rebel Rabbi
Under A Tree
More Than Sparrows
Ruth's Vavless Verses
Expect the Unexpected
The Samaritan Messiah
The Baptist
Torahs of Black and White Fire
Torás de Fuego Blanco y Negro
What the Shofar Says
The Nameless One
Descending to Ascend
The Chanukah Revelation
2021 Studies
Release the Prisoner
Esther Unveiled
Esther al Descubierto
In His Image
The Narrow Way
Wings of a Dove
Your Mother's Torah
Word Made Flesh
Guf Haneshamot
El Cuerpo de las Almas
Between Cherubim
Entre Querubines
The Gospel of Golgotha
El Evangelio de Golgotha
The Fullness
Simon Says
2022 Studies
The Rock that Followed
Honor of the Call
The Dog
The Advocate
The First and the Last
Not Giving to Dogs & Swine
Who is Good
The Prodigals
Verses Versus Verses
The Frogs
Let it Shine
2023 Studies
The Gate of Tears
Bearing Fruit
The Two Witnesses
Crucified with the Cursed
On the Forehead of a Harlot
The Truth of the Wheat & Tares
The Armageddon Anomaly
A Kingdom of Priests
A Yom Teruah for Timothy
Un Yom Teruah Para Timoteo
Living Waters
The Outer Darkness
The Shamash
2024 Studies
The Throne of Moses
The Source's Code
The Living Sacrifice
Many Mansions
Consuming Messiah
A Second Death
Moving Mountains
Another Priest
That's Blasphemy
The Resurrection Ram
The Keys
A Chanukah for Messiah
2025 Studies
A World of Wrestling
They Shall Be One
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